You know that vegetables are rich in vitamins and essential minerals. Telling you how crucial it is to eat them is pointless because you know it. The issue that needs addressing is why you don't like eating them despite the knowledge that they are healthy. It is quite understandable if you dislike your vegetables especially if you have only one way of making your greens. Below is a list of fun tips that you can use.
1. Don't eat plain vegetables Most people do not have the taste buds for plain vegetables. Eating them plain will just be torture to you especially if you are new to this. One thing that you will find helpful is mixing your veggies with other foods. Take a few greens and eat them with other foods you like. Start small and gradually increase your amount as you adapt to the process. 2. Mix up your vegetables You will find it more boring if you eat the same type of vegetables all the time. There are very many different types available in the market, choosing one of them every single day will not be a hard thing. While you are mixing things up, remember to season them with spices you like. Seasoning food brings out the flavor of the food. 3. Make salads A mixture of fruits and vegetables is a great way of eating your vegetables! If you are not a big fan of mixing things this way, you may try to make a vegetable salad using different recipes. There is an arsenal of recipes out there for vegetable salads that will help you make delicious vegetables. When you are making the salad, you may try to steam the veggies or grill them. 4. Make smoothies Ever heard of green smoothies! Green smoothies are like the normal smoothies but have green vegetables, fruits and substitute of milk. Making green smoothies will be a fun way for you to eat your vegetables. Remember to mix the vegetables with fruits so that they can dilute the sour taste. When you are starting out with the smoothies, please, start with the soft vegetables like spinach, then as you get used to them, you can incorporate the other types of vegetables. 5. Try your vegetables in soup Soup can be a great way of eating your vegetables. Add your vegetables to your favorite soup and enjoy a well-made soup.